Back to Roadrash PSP

Developer : EA
Publisher : Unpublished, Discontinued Project
Year : 2005

Position Held
Lead Animator

Sofware Used
Maya - Animation, Modelling and Rigging
Photoshop - Textures

Description of duties on the project
This title was the second of two exploratory projects that might have come to fruition but unfortunately never got further than the pre production stage.

I created a rig for the bike and rider on the PSP incorporating various rig tests to achieve a result that looked great for the resoloution of the PSP but also fit into the memory available. I also used the assets to create the pre-visualisation movie.

Even though it was only a few months in development the rig was functioning real time and controllable on the PSP racing around two test tracks perfoming wheelie's, endo's and jumps.